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Sunday, June 15, 2014

How to prevent bad breath

Bad breath is a very common problem but majority people suffering from it have no idea about how to get rid of bad breath. Following the below mentioned suggestions will help you prevent bad breath.

Make it habit to brush your teeth daily twice a day especially every night before you go to sleep.

  1. Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  2. Do not use alcoholic mouth wash.
  3. Eating an apple daily will help to remove bacteria in the mouth and prevent bad breath naturally.

Tips & Home Remedies for Bad Breath
  1. Chew peppermint for bad breath.
  2. Use baking soda for brushing teeth.
  3. Drink plenty of water it is good to get rid of bacteria in the mouth.
  4. Gargle snkgy water.
  5. Drinking green tea will help to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth.
  6. Before sleeping rinse your mouth with a glass of lukewarm water with a juice of half lemon.
  7. Sunflower seeds can be helpful to get rid of bad breath. Remove bad breath odor, live a happier life
Follow these remedies to prevent bad breath and talk confidently with your friends. Remember there is nothing in the world that can cure any of your disorders at once, it always takes some time. So, be patient and consistent, and if you don’t have I am sorry to say the bad breath might lead you to an un-confident and miserable life.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


The human body is a water machine‚ designed primarily to run on water and minerals. Every life giving and healing process that happens inside our body happens with water. In just the last decade medical science has begun to focus more on the tremendous healing ability our body has and how much that ability depends on water. 

Our body instinctively knows how and strives to sustain youthful longevity‚ and in its every effort water is the key. The human body is made up of over 70% water. Our blood is more than 80%‚ our brain over 75%‚ and the human liver is an amazing 96% water!

Our energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water we drink. It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in the average person... a 15% drop in body fluids causing death! Water is what our liver uses to metabolize fat into useable energy. It is estimated that over 80% of our population suffers energy loss due to minor dehydration.

The Functions:

  • Water helps regulate our body temperature through perspiration, which dissipates excess heat & cools our bodies.
  • We even need water to breathe! As we take in oxygen & excrete CO2, our lungs must be moistened by water. We lose about 1 to 2 pints of water each day just exhaling.
  • Asthma is frequently relieved when water intake is increased. Histamine plays a key role in regulating the way the body uses & distributes water & helps control the body' s defense mechanisms. In asthmatics, histamine level increases with dehydration. Our defense for the body is to close down the airways.
  • The kidneys remove wastes such as uric aced, urea & lactic acid, all of which must be dissolved in water. When there isn't sufficient water, those wastes are not effectively removed, which may result in damage to the kidneys.
  • Water lubricates our joints. The cartilage tissues found at the ends of long bones & between the vertebrae of the spine hold a lot of water, which serves as a lubricant during the movement of the joint. When the cartilage is will hydrated, the two opposing surfaces glide freely, & friction damage is minimal. If the cartilage is dehydrated, the rate of "abrasive" damage is increased, resulting in joint deterioration & increased pain.
  • The actively growing blood cells in the bone marrow take priority over the cartilage for the available water that goes through the bone structure.
  • Rheumatoid joint pain frequently decreases with increased water intake & flexing exercises to bring more circulation to the joints.
  • 75% of the upper body weight is supported by the water volume that is stored in the spinal disc core. 25% is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc. The spinal joints are dependent on different hydraulic properties of water which is stored in the disc core. Back pain is frequently alleviated with hydration.
  • Brain tissue is 85% water. Although the brain is only 1/50th of the body weight, it uses 1/20th of the blood supply. With dehydration, the level of energy generation in the brain is decreased. Depression & chronic fatigue syndrome are frequently results of dehydration.
  • Migraine headaches may be an indicator of critical body temperature regulation at times of "heat stress." Dehydration plays a major role in bringing on migraines. Dehydration causes stress & stress causes further dehydration.

So always be aware of to invest more water to your body as routine work. Keep a supply of water containers full in the fridge. That way, water is always on hand as an alternative to other less healthful drinks and conveniently available when you’re on the go. Upon arriving at the office, fill up a big jug of water at the tap. You’ll get plenty of water to drink throughout your workday. Caffeinated beverages act as diuretics and increase fluid loss, so they don’t count toward your daily hydration needs. Try substituting water for your second cup of coffee or that mid- afternoon soda. Don't wait for your body to signal it's thirsty. By that time, you're already starting to be dehydrated.
[Partly Abstracted]

Saturday, May 24, 2014


What are head lice?
Head lice are parasites that can be found on the heads of people. Infection with head lice is called pediculosis. (The head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis, is different from the lice that cause body and pubic-hair infections.)

How common is head lice infestation?
Head lice infection is very common. It has been estimated that up to one in every 10 children in school acquires head lice at some time. In one study, the estimated annual cost of head lice infestations in the United States was nearly $1 billion dollars.

Who is at risk for getting head lice?
Anyone who comes in close contact with someone who already has head lice, or even their contaminated clothing and other belongings, is at risk for acquiring head lice. So it is easy to transmit head lice from one person to another. Preschool and elementary-school children (3-10 years of age) and their families are infected most often. Girls contract head lice more often than boys, and women contract more head lice than men. African-Americans rarely acquire head lice.

Head lice facts
  1. Head lice are parasites that are found on human heads. The wordlice is plural for louse.
  2. Head lice are spread by personal contact or the sharing of combs, brushes, caps, and other clothing.
  3. Head lice are a common problem with preschool and schoolchildren.
  4. Head lice cause a tickling feeling of something moving in the hair,itching, and sores on the head.
  5. The affected individual, family members also infected, and the home all should be treated.
  6. Remember: one head louse + one head louse = two head lice = the beginning of a head-lice infection.
  7. Very young children should be evaluated by a health care professional before beginning medications.
Head Lice Treatment
What is the treatment for a head lice infestation (pediculosis)? For effective elimination of head lice, the infested individual, family members that are also infested, and the home must all be treated. Treatment of the individual and the infected family members

Over-the-counter(OTC) or prescription medications are used to treat the affected people and their families. Follow these treatment steps:
  1. Remove all clothing.
  2. Apply lice medicine, also called pediculicide, according to the label instructions. If your child has extra long hair, you may need to use a second bottle. WARNING: Do not use a cream rinse or combination shampoo/conditioner before using lice medicine. Do not re-wash hair for one to two days after treatment.
  3. Have the infested person put on clean clothing after treatment.
  4. If some live lice are still found eight to 12 hours after treatment but are moving more slowly than before, do not retreat. Comb dead and remaining live lice out of the hair. The medicine sometimes takes longer to kill the lice
How can I prevent head lice?
It's not always so easy to prevent head lice 100% of the time since it is a common infestation. Whenever possible, do not share hats or head coverings. Also avoid sharing combs and brushes with other individuals, since it can be transferred this way. If exposed to another individual diagnosed with head lice, continue to check the hair for eggs or adult lice every couple of days, but do not treat unless head lice are discovered

[Abstracted medicinenet]

Friday, May 23, 2014


Not everyone suffering from depression will experience all of the same symptoms or the same severity of symptoms. Typically, five or more of the following symptoms must be present for at least two weeks before a depressive disorder is diagnosed: 
  1. Persistent sadness 
  2. Loss of interest in usual activities 
  3. Feelings of guilt, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness 
  4. Increased restlessness, irritability 
  5. Changes in eating and sleeping (fatigue, lethargy, weight loss/gain) 
  6. Insomnia or excessive sleeping 
  7. Indecision, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness 
  8. Persistent pains that don't respond to treatment (headaches, stomachaches, digestive problems) 
  9. Worsened existing chronic conditions (such as arthritis or diabetes) 
  10. Thoughts of suicide; self-mutilation or suicide attempts 
Men, women and children are susceptible to symptoms of depression but often experience the symptoms differently mood disorders are not one-size-fits-all. 

Symptoms for teens and children are slightly different than in adults and may additionally include: 
  1. Apathy, social withdrawal, isolation from friends/family 
  2. Drop in school performance 
  3. Play involving excessive aggression toward self or others, or play involving persistently sad themes 
  4. In addition, teens and children sometimes have parents who suffer from major depression. 
Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from major or chronic depression; however, the discrepancy between the sexes remains unclear. Researchers are studying a myriad of possible links to higher rates of depression in women, including hormones, genetics and biology as well as psychosocial factors. One theory is that men are less likely to seek help. While men tend to be willing to admit to fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in activities and changes in sleep patterns, they typically don't share feelings of sadness and worthlessness. They are more likely than women to use alcohol or drugs to mask their feelings. Women, though, are more likely to acknowledge feelings of sadness, guilt and worthlessness.
[Abstracted howstuffworks]
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Thursday, May 22, 2014


An anti-cancer diet is an important strategy you can use to reduce your risk of cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends, for example, that you eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and eat the right amount of food to stay at a healthy weight. In addition, researchers are finding that certain foods may be particularly useful in protecting you from cancer. Make room in your diet for the following foods and drinks to fight cancer.


Those who eat more garlic are less likely to develop various kinds of cancer, especially in digestive organs such as the esophagus, stomach, and colon. Ingredients in the pungent bulbs may keep cancer-causing substances in your body from working, or they may keep cancer cells from multiplying. Experts don’t know how much you need to eat to prevent cancer, but a clove a day may be helpful


As a tasty treat, berries are hard to beat. But their juicy goodness also may make them one of the foods to fight cancer. Berries contain particularly powerful antioxidants, meaning they can halt a naturally occurring process in the body that creates free radicals that can damage your cells. Compounds in berries may also help keep cancers from growing or spreading. So, as part of your anti-cancer diet, pick up a handful of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, or any other favorite berries today.


Tomatoes may help protect men from prostate cancer. The juicy red orbs can help guard the DNA in your cells from damage that can lead to cancer. Tomatoes contain a particularly high concentration of an effective antioxidant called lycopene. Your body may absorb lycopene better from processed tomato foods such as sauce, which means that whole-wheat pasta with marinara sauce could be a delicious way to help lower your risk of this disease.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables — the group containing broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower — may be particularly helpful in protecting you from cancer. Researchers have found that components in these veggies can protect you from the free radicals that can damage your cells' DNA. They may also shield you from cancer-causing chemicals, help slow the growth of tumors, and encourage cancer cells to die. They’re a tasty and healthy addition to your anti-cancer diet.

Green Tea

Tea contains antioxidants called catechins, which may help prevent cancer in a variety of ways, including keeping free radicals from damaging cells. Lab studies have found that catechins in tea can shrink tumors and reduce tumor cell growth. Some — but not all — studies in humans have also linked drinking tea to a lower risk of cancer. Both green and black teas contain catechins, but you’ll get more antioxidants from green tea, so you may want to consider a cup or more in your anti-cancer diet.

Whole Grains

Whole grains contain many components that might lower your risk of cancer, including fiber and antioxidants. A large study including nearly half a million people found that eating more whole grains might lower the risk of colorectal cancer, making them a top item in the category of foods to fight cancer. Oatmeal, barley, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread and pasta are all examples of whole grains.


This orange-colored spice, a staple in Indian curries, contains an ingredient called curcumin (not the same as cumin) that might be useful in reducing cancer risk. According to the American Cancer Society, curcumin can inhibit some kinds of cancer cells in laboratory studies and slow the spread of cancer or shrink tumors in some animals. Turmeric is easy to find in grocery stores, and you can use it in a variety of recipes.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy green vegetables like spinach and lettuce are good sources of the antioxidants beta-carotene and lutein. You’ll also find these nutrients in vegetables that are more traditionally eaten cooked, like collard greens, mustard greens, and kale. Some lab studies have found that chemicals in these foods may limit the growth of some kinds of cancer cells.


The skin of red grapes is a particularly rich source of an antioxidant called resveratrol (useful in keeping cancer from beginning or spreading). Grape juice contains this antioxidant. Lab studies have found that it limits the growth of many kinds of cancer cells; in men, moderate amounts of red wine have been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer.


Certain fruits and vegetables and other plant foods get plenty of recognition for being good sources of antioxidants, but beans often are unfairly left out of the picture. Some beans, particularly pinto and red kidney beans, are outstanding sources of antioxidants and should be included in your anti-cancer diet. Beans also contain fiber, and eating a high-fiber diet may also help reduce your risk of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.
[Abstracted from "everydayhealth]

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


You can increase your body's fat-burning power by eating more foods given below.

Spinach, spring mix, mustard greens, and other dark leafy greens are good sources of fiber and powerhouses of nutrition. Research demonstrates that their high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants helps prevent hunger while protecting you from heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and memory loss.

Legumes are the best source of fiber of any foods. They help to stabilize blood sugar while keeping you regular. They are also high in potassium, a critical mineral that reduces dehydration and the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Garlic and onions contain phytochemicals that break down fatty deposits in the body, while also breaking down cholesterol; killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi; and protecting against heart disease. With a little help from garlic and onions, you can burn fat while warding off illness.

This hot spice lessens the risk of excess insulin in the body by speeding metabolism and lowering blood glucose (sugar) levels, before the excess insulin can result in fat stores. Spice up your next meal with cayenne and lessen those love handles.

The popular spice used primarily in Indian cooking is one of the highest known sources of beta carotene, the antioxidant that helps protect the liver from free radical damage. Turmeric also helps strengthen your liver while helping your body metabolize fats by decreasing the fat storage rate in liver cells. Add a teaspoon of turmeric into your next curry dish to help your body fight fat.

Researchers at the United States Department of Agriculture showed that a quarter to one teaspoon of cinnamon with food helps metabolize sugar up to twenty times better than food not eaten with cinnamon. Excess sugar in the blood can lead to fat storage. Before you sip that chai tea latte or eat your oatmeal, sprinkle on the cinnamon.

[Source: HowStuffWorks]

Monday, May 19, 2014


Don't Focus on Sleeping
The more you think about the sleep you are missing, the more stressed you will be. And more stress means even less sleep. If you wake up and can't fall back asleep within 15-20 minutes, get out of bed. Do something relaxing outside of the bedroom, like listening to music or reading. If you lie there stressing out about falling back asleep, you'll only get more anxious. Understand that sometimes the quality of your slumber is out of your control. 

Stick to a Schedule
Regularity is sleep's best friend. Try and adhere to a strict bedtime and wake time every day, even on the weekends. When your body has a routine, it knows when to start winding down and preparing for sleep.

Check for Sleep Apnea
Snoring is common, and although it's usually harmless, it could be a symptom of a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. If you have long pauses in your snoring (ask a friend/bedmate to listen), see your doctor. Sleep apnea, while sometimes life threatening, can be treated.

Turn to the Tub
Your mom knew a thing or two about nighttime baths. The body starts to feel sleepy when it's temperature drops. You can exaggerate that effect by taking a warm bath or shower and then lying down and letting your body heat get low.

Block Out the Light
Even just a little bit of light can disturb your sleep. So make sure to shut off all your night lights and hallway lamps, not to mention TVs, laptops, tablets, and phones, well before you head for bed.

Exercise Earlier
Regular exercise can actually improve your sleep but you need to schedule it for the right time. Working out too close to bedtime may cause your body temperature to stay elevated, which makes it harder to doze off. Try to finish exercising at least three hours before bedtime—preferably in the afternoon

Avoid Heavy Foods and Booze
Consuming heavy foods or alcohol before bed can cause indigestion, not to mention frequent trips to the bathroom. And although drinking alcohol may make you tired and help you fall asleep faster, you will wake up more often and not get the quality of sleep you need to feel rested the next day.

Upgrade Your Pillow
Choose a pillow that is supportive, comfortable, and suited to your sleeping position. A stomach sleeper and a side sleeper may need different pillows.