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Monday, May 19, 2014


Don't Focus on Sleeping
The more you think about the sleep you are missing, the more stressed you will be. And more stress means even less sleep. If you wake up and can't fall back asleep within 15-20 minutes, get out of bed. Do something relaxing outside of the bedroom, like listening to music or reading. If you lie there stressing out about falling back asleep, you'll only get more anxious. Understand that sometimes the quality of your slumber is out of your control. 

Stick to a Schedule
Regularity is sleep's best friend. Try and adhere to a strict bedtime and wake time every day, even on the weekends. When your body has a routine, it knows when to start winding down and preparing for sleep.

Check for Sleep Apnea
Snoring is common, and although it's usually harmless, it could be a symptom of a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. If you have long pauses in your snoring (ask a friend/bedmate to listen), see your doctor. Sleep apnea, while sometimes life threatening, can be treated.

Turn to the Tub
Your mom knew a thing or two about nighttime baths. The body starts to feel sleepy when it's temperature drops. You can exaggerate that effect by taking a warm bath or shower and then lying down and letting your body heat get low.

Block Out the Light
Even just a little bit of light can disturb your sleep. So make sure to shut off all your night lights and hallway lamps, not to mention TVs, laptops, tablets, and phones, well before you head for bed.

Exercise Earlier
Regular exercise can actually improve your sleep but you need to schedule it for the right time. Working out too close to bedtime may cause your body temperature to stay elevated, which makes it harder to doze off. Try to finish exercising at least three hours before bedtime—preferably in the afternoon

Avoid Heavy Foods and Booze
Consuming heavy foods or alcohol before bed can cause indigestion, not to mention frequent trips to the bathroom. And although drinking alcohol may make you tired and help you fall asleep faster, you will wake up more often and not get the quality of sleep you need to feel rested the next day.

Upgrade Your Pillow
Choose a pillow that is supportive, comfortable, and suited to your sleeping position. A stomach sleeper and a side sleeper may need different pillows.

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