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Sunday, May 18, 2014


The strength of dark chocolate is antioxidant flavonoids. Chocolate comes from the cacao plant, and cacao is extraordinarily rich in flavanols, a type of flavonoid phytochemical. (Other plants rich in flavanols include tea, grapes, grapefruit, and wine.) That sounds simple enough, but some forms of chocolate have a lot more flavonoids than others.
The more nonfat cocoa solids a chocolate product contains, the more antioxidants it tends to contribute. cacao contains some saturated fat. The other fatty acids in cocoa butter are monounsaturated fat (considered a desirable fat) plus another saturated fat called palmitic fatty acid. 
Health Benefits of Chocolate
1. They May Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack.
A few squares of dark chocolate a day can reduce the risk of death from heart attack by almost 50% in some cases. Dr. Becker's research found that blood platelets clotted more slowly in people who had eaten chocolate than in those who had not. This is significant because when platelets clump, a clot can form, and when the clot blocks a blood vessel, it can lead to a heart attack. According to the one research has taken place USA, cocoa and chocolate may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by:
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Decreasing LDL oxidation
  • Anti-inflammation action
2. Decrease Blood Pressure and Increase Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance (a risk factor for diabetes) is significantly lowered when you consume dark chocolate. Systolic blood pressure (the first number in a blood pressure reading), measured daily, is reduced because of dark chocolate.

3. They May Improve Arterial Blood Flow
Healthy men who consume flavanol-rich cocoa may see improvements in the flow of blood through their arteries, according to recent research. The researchers found that when healthy men consumed the flavanol-rich cocoa, the ability of their blood vessels to relax improved significantly. And arterial blood flow is important for cardiovascular health.
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